Tickets to the Medici Chapels Museum
Nähtävyydet ja opastetut retket

Tickets to the Medici Chapels Museum

Erittäin hyvä
Perustuu 111 arvioon
Mobiililippu hyväksytään
Kesto: Joustava
  • See the New Sacristy designed by Michelangelo
  • Visit the Chapel of the Princes and the Lorenese Crypt
  • Admire the Treasure of the Basilica di San Lorenzo
Retken kuvaus

The Museum of the Medici Chapels is located in the Basilica of San Lorenzo, one of Florence's biggest and oldest churches. This ticket will give you access to the New Sacristy, the Chapel of the Princes, the Lorenese Crypt, and a section of the Treasure of San Lorenzo's Basilica. With this ticket, you can also see temporary exhibitions.

The Medici family was one of the most powerful families in the city's history. The Basilica di San Lorenzo was built thanks to their support and the financial responsibility they took over the construction. The Sagrestia Nuova was designed by Michelangelo in the 16th century and was to be a mausoleum for members of the Medici family. The famous artist also designed many of the tombs that are found in the New Sacristy. More than 50 members of the Medici family have tombs in the New Sacristy and in the Chapel of Princes. Surmounted by a great dome, the Chapel of Princes was a true expression of court art, being the result of the collaboration of artists and lords alike.

Your ticket also includes access to the Treasure of San Lorenzo's Basilica and the Cripta Lorenese. Until recently the Treasure of San Lorenzo was carefully preserved behind closed doors but now the underground floors of the Medici chapels have been carefully prepared to have parts of the Basilica's treasure on display. Special focus is given to some works of art that were recently restored – like the Christ by Michelozzo, a silver statue completed in the year 1444, and the Bust of Saint Peter in wood and painted gold, which dates back to 1552. The Cripta Lorenese is the crypt of the Lorena family that succeeded the Medici family in the city's administrative role. They also had their family mausoleum built in the Basilica di San Lorenzo between the tomb of Father Cosimo Patrie and the Medici Sepulcher.

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Retken hintaan sisältyy
  • check New Sacristy
  • check Chapel of the Princes
  • check Lorenese Crypt
  • check Treasure of San Lorenzo's Basilica
  • check Temporary exhibitions

Medici Chapels Museum - Piazza di Madonna degli Aldobrandini 6, 50123 Florence FI, Italy

Please arrive at the museum 15 minutes before your time slot.
Muistettavat asiat
  • The booking confirmation and access codes will be sent to you via email within 48 hours of your purchase
  • Reduced tickets are available for citizens aged 18 to 24 years old, from the European Union and from Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Uruguay
  • Free tickets (with pre-sale fee) are available for children under 18, people with disabilities and one accompanying person
  • Children under 7 years do not need a ticket and can enter directly with an adult
  • Please show a valid ID/certificate to prove the right to reduced or free admission
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Retken tarjoaja
Hyviä uutisia! Tähän varaukseen ei kuulu lisämaksuja.
Unfortunately, we can't offer you a refund nor can we change or cancel your booking for this particular product, due to our partner's policy.

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Perustuu 111 varmennettuun asiakasarvioon









Value for money


  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Portugali - elokuu 2024

    Erittäin hyvä



    Everything went very well and we were very well received. Thank you for allowing us to see and experience a little bit of your history.

  • Frances Barbour

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - toukokuu 2024

    Matkusti yksin


    55 - 64 vuoden ikäinen

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  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Puola - toukokuu 2024

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  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - toukokuu 2024

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  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - huhtikuu 2024




  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Italia - maaliskuu 2024

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