Palazzo Massimo

Mitä kaikkea voit tehdä kohteessa Palazzo Massimo


Mitä kaikkea voit tehdä kohteessa Palazzo Massimo

4,2/5 (9)

Rome’s Palazzo Massimo is part of the Roman National Museum and, very close to the central Stazione Termini train station, is a renaissance building that holds one of the world’s most important collections of classical art. The building dates back to 1887 and it was planned by the architect Camillo Pistrucci for the Jesuit priest Massimiliano Massimo. It then became property of the Massimo princes.

In 1998 it was inaugurated as a state museum and is known for its collection of sculptures, paintings and mosaics as well as a rich collection of coins from ancient Rome.

The statue collection is on the ground and first floors and shows the gradual change and evolution of the art of sculpting that was such an important part of ancient Greek and Roman culture. On the second floor frescos, paintings and mosaics are the prevalent pieces – a visitor can view the domestic art of the Roman population.

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Palazzo Massimo

Palazzo Massimo



Arvostelut Palazzo Massimo

Maura, 19. maalisk. 2023
Alexandra, 10. helmik. 2023

“Une application intéressante pour se promener dans Rome et écouter les commentaires et annectodes . Bon rapport qualité-prix.”

Jeremy, 11. tammik. 2023
Chiara, 11. marrask. 2022

“Audioguida utile e comoda per conoscere un po' Roma senza guide. Gli audio si attivano in automatico quando ci si trova nei paraggi dei luoghi di interesse (attivando la posizione) e si possono riascoltare, mandare indietro/avanti. Super consigliato!”
