Florence Duomo guided tour and Dome climbing
Nähtävyydet ja opastetut retket

Florence Duomo guided tour and Dome climbing

Erittäin hyvä
Perustuu 4 arvioon
Ilmainen peruutus
Kieli: English, Spanish
Mobiililippu hyväksytään
Kesto: 2 tuntia 30 minuuttia
  • Enjoy a skip-the-line guided tour of Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral and the Crypt of Santa Reparata
  • Get the chance to ascent Brunelleschi's Dome and admire Florence's skyline from a privileged position
  • Autonomously access the other monuments of the Duomo complex during the 72 hours following the tour
Retken kuvaus

Don't miss the opportunity to discover the Duomo of Florence (Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral) and to admire the city from exclusive and breathtaking locations: the rooftop terraces (normally not reachable) and Brunelleschi's magnificent Dome.

With your skip-the-line tickets, you'll enter the cathedral with a knowledgeable and passionate guide. Discover masterpieces such as Paolo Uccello’s clock, Vasari’s frescoes and Bandinelli’s marble choir. During the visit, you'll also access the Crypt of Santa Reparata, considered the very heart of the cathedral and a testimony of the dawn of Christianity in Florence. Then, begin your ascent to the Duomo's top. The staircase climb will be rewarded by an incomparable view of the city from the terraces on the cathedral rooftop. Learn how the massive self-standing cathedral dome was built and how it can still firmly dominate the skyline of Florence after 600 years. Investigate Brunelleschi's innovative approach in vaulting the dome space without any scaffolding, and deeply understand how he changed the rules of architecture forever.

If you feel like continuing your climb, you can reach the top of Brunelleschi's Cupola (the Dome). Reach the 91-meter-high (300 ft) panoramic viewpoint in order to get the highest view from the building. This tour also includes autonomous access to the monuments of the Cathedral complex during the 72 hours following the tour.

Lue lisää
Retken hintaan sisältyy
  • check Skip-the-line tickets to the Cathedral and the Dome
  • check Guided tour of the Cathedral
  • check Access to the rooftop terraces
  • check Tickets to the other monuments of the complex
  • check Earphones for bigger groups

Piazza della Repubblica, 50123 Florence, Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy

Meet your tour leader in front of the Towns of Italy Kiosk in Piazza della Repubblica, under the arches on the left facing the Apple Store.
Muistettavat asiat

Not suitable for:

  • Due to the presence of narrow stairs, this tour is not suitable for those with heart problems and/or claustrophobia

Know in advance:

  • You'll have the opportunity to visit the other monuments of the Duomo complex on your own within 72 hours after the tour: Baptistery, Giotto's Bell Tower, Opera del Duomo Museum
  • Number of steps to reach the top of each monument: Terraces 153; Terraces + Brunelleschi's Dome 153 + 310
  • Please note that for the entrance to the Dome and Terraces, bulky backpacks and bags are not allowed
  • Due to occasional institutional events at the Duomo, the itinerary of the tour may be subject to minor changes
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Retken tarjoaja
Hyviä uutisia! Tähän varaukseen ei kuulu lisämaksuja.
Saat 100% hyvityksen, jos peruutat viimeistään 24 tuntia ennen kuin aktiviteetti alkaa.

Miten ihmiset ovat arvioineet elämyksen

Erittäin hyvä


Perustuu 4 varmennettuun asiakasarvioon









Value for money


  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Ranska - kesäkuu 2023




    Mais trop chère

  • Joop piloot

    Asuinpaikka Belgia - kesäkuu 2022

    Matkusti puolison kanssa


    25 - 34 vuoden ikäinen

    Erittäin hyvä



    Goeie gids in prachtige omgeving.

  • Duomo klimmer Firenze

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - toukokuu 2022

    Matkusti perheen kanssa


    25 - 34 vuoden ikäinen

    Erittäin hyvä



    Het was een geweldige ervaring om de Duomo te beklimmen. In een rustig tempo met steeds pauze en uitleg over het volgende wat er te zien was. Briljant ...

  • Anonyymi

    Asuinpaikka Yhdysvallat - toukokuu 2022

    Erittäin hyvä



    Our tour guide was great, we were however disappointed because we signed up for the Doumo dome tour and there was a mixup and the tickets the tour com ...

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