Paris criminal past  tour with guide on your smartphone

Paris criminal past tour with guide on your smartphone

Ilmainen peruutus
Kieli: English, French
Saatavuus: Daily
Mobiililippu hyväksytään
Kesto: 1 tunti–1 tunti 30 minuuttia
  • Discover the criminal past of Paris following your guide on your smartphone
  • Visit at your own pace and customize your itinerary as you wish
  • Resume the visit when you want, right where you paused!
Retken kuvaus

From a man-eating princess to public enemy number 1, or the assassination of Henry IV...rewind to Paris' bloodiest crimes listening to your guide on your smartphone! Visit at your own pace, the commentaries and fun facts trigger automatically as you stroll along the designated itinerary, right where they happened!

The tour begins in front of the huge monument backdrop to one of the most terrible massacres in the history of France! Discover the incredible story behind this famous façade brought to you by the professional tour guide behind the app. You are standing at the very spot where the massacres happened 500 years ago! Then, simply follow the directions to the next spot and the voice goes on again as the guide unveils a new incredible story.

On the itinerary, spot the beautiful church of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, witness of many crimes in the last centuries: conspiracies, assassinations and poisoning during the time of the Kings of France. Saint Honoré street was very famous back until the French Revolution for public executions of criminals! Learn about the terrible lives of the public executioners. Discover the terror and rivalry, among the thugs and gangs of Paris fighting in this very neighborhood until the beginning of the 20th century.

The tours are designed by local and passionate guides. Visit at your own pace and customize your itinerary according to your desires! A short stop at a terrace, a visit to a store or even a craving? You can resume the visit when you want, right where you stopped. Impossible to get lost. The guide indicates clear audio directions to follow and a map can also be viewed if you prefer visual guidance. And if you take a wrong turn, the integrated geo-localization system will bet you back on the right track!

The visit ends near the Hotel de Ville, the City of Paris Town Hall, also a place of public executions back in the day!

Lue lisää
Retken hintaan sisältyy
  • check Audioguided tour in the historical center of Paris
Retken hintaan ei sisälly
  • x_not_included Transportation
  • x_not_included Personal expenses

1 Rue de l'Oratoire, 75001 Paris

The tour starts near the Louvre museum. Metro stop: Louvre - Rivoli (line 1). The tour launches at the starting point - and won’t start from anywhere else.
Muistettavat asiat
  • To take the tour, you need a smartphone (fully charged), the application installed on your phone, an internet connection for the duration of the tour, headphones. The instructions on how to download the application and how to unlock the tour will be provided in the voucher after booking
  • You can take the tour any day and any time after purchase
  • No one will assist you at the starting point or during the visit. A phone number is provided in case assistance is required
  • This tour is available in English and French
  • Depending on your pace, the visit can take between 1 and 1,5 hour
Lue lisää
Retken tarjoaja
Hyviä uutisia! Tähän varaukseen ei kuulu lisämaksuja.
Saat 100% hyvityksen, jos peruutat viimeistään 24 tuntia ennen kuin aktiviteetti alkaa.

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